MLab Team at Congress 2013 During Congress 2013 at the University of Victoria this week, the[...] continue reading →
MLab Returns from HASTAC 2013 The Maker Lab team has recently returned from HASTAC 2013, the fi[...] continue reading →
Proust at the Edges of Modernity Proust’s modernism is the result of an experiment. Nearly a qu[...] continue reading →
The Master's Tools This year I perused and deployed a few tools to version Moore’s “[...] continue reading →
Moore in the Poetry Machine I put Marianne Moore’s “Poetry” into modVers: I mashed enjambed l[...] continue reading →
Quick Clip: Distant Listening “Distant Listening: Discovering Sound Patterns with ProseVis” Ta[...] continue reading →
Anticipating Surprise Last time I wrote, we had no digital editions of Wyndham Lewis’s [...] continue reading →
Visualizing the Lives of "Poetry" Last week Alex, Katie, Jentery and I posed the question: Why mode[...] continue reading →
Performative Tagging Deciding which tags to use in a TEI markup of a text sounds fairl[...] continue reading →