Versioning Tarr Wyndham Lewis’s Tarr is exceptional in many respects, not the lea[...] continue reading →
Gaming the System Can gamification be used to structure academic collaboration in a[...] continue reading →
Encoding Nostromo Hello! My name is Katie Tanigawa, and I am a first year PhD stude[...] continue reading →
Materializing the Visualization I am a first year doctoral student working with the MVP (Modernis[...] continue reading →
Past Projects, Tarr, and TEI I’m Adam Hammond, a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at the University o[...] continue reading →
The Raw Material In the meantime, if you demand on the one hand, The raw materia[...] continue reading →
Versioning Modernism In a partnership with the Modernist Versions Project (MVP) betwee[...] continue reading →