The MLab: A Two-Year Review (2014-16) The last two years presented the MLab with many exciting opportun[...] continue reading →
The Early Magnetic Recording Kit The second volume in the Kits for Cultural History series, the Ea[...] continue reading →
Wire in the Gallery: The Jacob Recordings For the last year, the MLab team has been working on imitating th[...] continue reading →
Jacob: Recording on Wire As early as 1898, Valdemar Poulsen experimented with impressing s[...] continue reading →
Kit Published in the New Issue of Hyperrhiz Hyperrhiz, an online journal of new media criticism and net art, [...] continue reading →
Kit Content as Kit Container As early as 1898, Valdemar Poulsen experimented with recording an[...] continue reading →
Exhibiting the Early Wearables Kit at Rutgers Post by Danielle Morgan, attached to the KitsForCulture p[...] continue reading →
Expressing Process through Visual Media Visual media allow researchers to record and re-present a process[...] continue reading →
The Relevance of Remaking On November 20th, I visited the Scholars' Lab at the University o[...] continue reading →
The Maker Lab after Two Years The Maker Lab in the Humanities (MLab) opened its doors in Septem[...] continue reading →