Histories of Digital Labour: Early OCR Jentery and I just returned from giving a talk at the 2017 Modern[...] continue reading →
The Reading Optophone Kit In November 2015, the MLab began work on remaking a reading optop[...] continue reading →
MLab in Interactions The MLab is featured in the latest (Nov-Dec 2016) issue of ACM In[...] continue reading →
Designing for Difficulty In July, I gave a talk on prototyping and remaking old technologi[...] continue reading →
New Repository: Optophone Kit The MLab now has a GitHub repository for the Optophone Kit (part [...] continue reading →
Designing for Difficulty: MLab at DH2016 As part of our Kits for Cultural History (KCH) project (supported[...] continue reading →
An Optophone Schema: From Text to Sound For our optophone kit in the Kits for Cultural History series, I'[...] continue reading →
The Optophone at HASTAC 2016 Earlier this month, I went to HASTAC 2016 at Arizona State Univer[...] continue reading →
New MLab Piece on Remaking Optophones Victoria, Jentery, and I recently wrote a piece on the process of[...] continue reading →
Kit Published in the New Issue of Hyperrhiz Hyperrhiz, an online journal of new media criticism and net art, [...] continue reading →