Where Are the Politics? Today, for Roger Whitson's "Critical Making in Digital Humanities[...] continue reading →
Photos from Hertz's Workshop Last week, Garnet Hertz visited the MLab and facilitated a fantas[...] continue reading →
Graduate Seminar on "Design Fictions" The work we're doing in the lab shapes the courses I teach, and h[...] continue reading →
The Digging Condition at South Carolina Two weeks ago, I visited the University of South Carolina to give[...] continue reading →
Warped Modernisms (at MLA 2015) At MLA 2015 in Vancouver, I participated in the "Making as Method[...] continue reading →
CFP: Making Humanities Matter In January, Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein announced that De[...] continue reading →
Lisa Nakamura to Visit UVic In February, Lisa Nakamura will be on the UVic campus to deliver [...] continue reading →
Transduction Literacies at MLA 2015 On Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to present on the "M[...] continue reading →
MLab at MLA 2015 in Vancouver This week, several of us from the Maker Lab will be presenting at[...] continue reading →
Research Assistant Positions: 2015-16 For the 2015-16 academic year (~September 2015 through ~April 201[...] continue reading →