In February, Lisa Nakamura will be on the UVic campus to deliver a public Lansdowne lecture presented by the Digital Humanities Committee (DH Committee) at UVic. While here, she is also giving a public seminar at the Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture (PACTAC) in collaboration with the DH Committee and the Maker Lab. All of us here in the lab are quite excited about these two events. Details are below. Please note that seating is limited for both events. For the seminar, RSVP to
Lisa Nakamura (2014-15 Digital Humanities Lansdowne Speaker)
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor
Department of American Cultures and the Department of Screen Arts and Cultures
Coordinator, Digital Studies
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Dr. Nakamura is the author of Digitizing Race (Minnesota), Cybertypes (Routledge), “Indigenous Circuits” (American Quarterly), “Scambaiting, Digital Show-Space, and the Racial Violence of Social Media” (Visual Culture), “Gaming Rhetoric as Gender Capital” (Ada), and “Words with Friends” (PMLA), among many others. She also facilitates FemTechNet, a network of educators, activists, librarians, and researchers interested in digital feminist pedagogy.
“Media Archaeology from the Margins: Race, Gender, and Indigenous Labor”
Friday, February 20th, 12:30pm | David Strong Building, Room C116
Lansdowne Lecture | Presented by the Digital Humanities Committee
View the Poster for the Event
From 1965-1975 the legendary Silicon Valley company Fairchild Semiconductor operated a state-of-the-art integrated circuit manufacturing plant in Shiprock, New Mexico on Navajo land. In the face of concerns about high-tech pollution, increasingly empowered labor organizations, and a newly politicized and visible American Indian civil rights movement, indigenous electronic workers at Shiprock were pressed into service as examples of the peaceful coexistence and integration of the past and the future, the primitive and the modern, creativity and capitalism. Navajo women workers were described as ideal predigital digital workers, uniquely suited to the job by temperament, culture, and gender.
“The Digital Afterlife of This Bridge Called My Back: Woman of Color Theory and Activism on Social Media”
Thursday, February 19th, 2:30pm | PACTAC | Technology Enterprise Facility (TEF), Room 170
Lansdowne Seminar | Presented by the Digital Humanities Committee, PACTAC, and the Maker Lab
View the Poster for the Event | RSVP to
Writing by foundational woman of color feminists has found new life on Tumblr. This paper analyzes the platform’s possibilities and constraints for insurgent critique.
Post by Jentery Sayers, attached to the Makerspace project, with the news tag. Featured image for this post care of the University of Victoria.