The Lab Appears in the Times Colonist In the Times Colonist this past Sunday (October 27th), journalist[...] continue reading →
Scissors and Paste: Collating #YoU for Print Bewildering, convoluted, unreadable. These are just a few of the [...] continue reading →
Making Modernism Big This semester, with the Modernist Versions Project (MVP), I have [...] continue reading →
Visualizing Ariel across Audio and Print Ariel is Plath's finest collection of poetry, a potent and fierce[...] continue reading →
Warping the City: Joyce in a Mudbox This academic year (2013-14), I am the lead researcher for the Ma[...] continue reading →
Modernism in Three Dimensions In response to Yuriko Saito’s Everyday Aesthetics, I was particul[...] continue reading →
Sayers and Turkel Awarded SSHRC Grant The Maker Lab is very happy to announce that Jentery Sayers and W[...] continue reading →
Sayers to Speak during ETCL Brown Bag Series The Electronic Textual Cultures Laboratory at the University of V[...] continue reading →
Building an SNES "Glitch Controller" Throughout 2013, I've been thinking a lot about the social, cultu[...] continue reading →
merritt kopas Visits UVic to Talk Games As part of the "Building Public Humanities" project, and with sup[...] continue reading →