Congrats to Teddie, Tiffany, Kat, Danielle, and Victoria, who made a video that has been short-listed for UVic’s Research Reels award. All short-listed videos will be screened on the UVic campus at 5pm this Tuesday (March 7th) in the David Lam Auditorium (Mac A144), and winners will also be announced then. Attend, if you can, to support the MLab team, and enjoy some free popcorn in the process.

Research Reels (Screening and Awards)
MacLaurin Building (MAC) A144
March 7th at 5:00pm
IdeaFest at UVic

Hope to see you there!

Post by Jentery Sayers, attached to the Makerspace and KitsForCulture projects, with the news, fabrication, and physcomp tags. Image for this post care of IdeaFest at UVic.


More about Jentery Sayers

Associate Professor, English and CSPT | Principal Investigator, MLab in the Humanities