Another year of DHSI, another version of Physical Computing and Fabrication! And it was a great one, with an amazing group of students. Here’s our syllabus (including an extensive bibliography and various modules) for the course. You can download it or fork it, too. Thanks to Tiffany Chan, Katherine Goertz, and Danielle Morgan for some outstanding and inspiring teaching. Care of Danielle, below are a few photos from our DHSI lab space back in June.

Mary Catherine and Tiffany prototyping all the things

Kat and Seamus scanning the spacecraft

Robin, Nick, Carrie, Mark, and Anne search for parts

Me, under the illusion someone is listening

Digitizing the cheesehouse!
Post by Jentery Sayers, attached to the Makerspace project, with the news, fabrication, and physcomp tags. Images for this post care of Danielle A. A. Morgan.