Critical Design, Deviant Critique At HASTAC 2016 (Arizona State University), Kim Knight, Padmini Ra[...] continue reading →
Kit Published in the New Issue of Hyperrhiz Hyperrhiz, an online journal of new media criticism and net art, [...] continue reading →
Exhibiting the Early Wearables Kit at Rutgers Post by Danielle Morgan, attached to the KitsForCulture p[...] continue reading →
Announcing the Early Wearables Kit Repository The Maker Lab is pleased to announce the launch of the repository[...] continue reading →
MLab Panel on Nov. 20th: Prototyping the Past On Friday, November 20th at 12:30pm, the MLab is presenting our K[...] continue reading →
Kits on the UVic Homepage and Elsewhere As we wrap up our work on the Early Wearables Kit, the MLab has b[...] continue reading →
Mécanisme à l'intérieur de la tête de mort For the Kits for Cultural History project, one of the primary cha[...] continue reading →
Making a Case for a Kit While modeling and building the case for our early wearable kit ([...] continue reading →
Designing Guides for Early Wearable Kits In the guide for our early wearable kit (which is part of the Kit[...] continue reading →
MLab at the SAA Annual Meeting On Saturday, April 4th in Vancouver, I had the privilege to prese[...] continue reading →