Why Publish? For the past month, I have been focused primarily on thinking aro[...] continue reading →
HASTAC Scholars Panel Thursday This message from Aaron Mauro at the ETCL: The Electronic Textual[...] continue reading →
Versioning Tarr Wyndham Lewis’s Tarr is exceptional in many respects, not the lea[...] continue reading →
Making Lamps "In the nineteenth-century," Walter Benjamin wrote, "construction[...] continue reading →
Preservation and the Antimodern Impulse To what extent does a culture of gratification produce a culture [...] continue reading →
Encoding Nostromo Hello! My name is Katie Tanigawa, and I am a first year PhD stude[...] continue reading →
Materializing the Visualization I am a first year doctoral student working with the MVP (Modernis[...] continue reading →
DIY and the Croc I'm currently at work building an online exhibit based on do-it-y[...] continue reading →
Past Projects, Tarr, and TEI I’m Adam Hammond, a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at the University o[...] continue reading →
AAB Archives: Storage and Discoverability I am a graduate student in English at the University of Victoria.[...] continue reading →