Winners of the 2013-14 Praxis Award The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab and the Maker Lab in the Huma[...] continue reading →
Our Popup Makerspace at HASTAC 2014 Earlier this year, four of us traveled to Peru to attend HASTAC 2[...] continue reading →
The Kits for Cultural History at HASTAC 2014 The Maker Lab's Kits for Cultural History team spent the 2013-14 [...] continue reading →
Make, Not Brand: DIY Making after Big Data On June 14th, I had the privilege of giving the keynote address a[...] continue reading →
Maker Lab Receives BCKDF Support We are very happy to announce that the Maker Lab in the Humanitie[...] continue reading →
The 2013-14 Praxis Innovation Award We are happy to announce the 2013-14 Digital Humanities Praxis In[...] continue reading →
Maker Lab Receives CFI/FCI Support We are very happy to announce that the Maker Lab in the Humanitie[...] continue reading →
MLab at IdeaFest: "Book Nerds in a Lab" This week, on Thursday, March 6th (3:30-5:00pm, in Hickman 116), [...] continue reading →
Ed Chang, "Queer Games, Straight Design" As part of our "Hello World" project, and with support from the E[...] continue reading →
Doran Larson, "Bearing Digital Witness" As part of our "Building Public Humanities" project, and with sup[...] continue reading →