Kit Published in the New Issue of Hyperrhiz Hyperrhiz, an online journal of new media criticism and net art, [...] continue reading →
Artist's Lecture: Pixels in the Material World The MLab is delighted to announce that Jesse Colin Jackson (Elect[...] continue reading →
Winners of the 2014-15 Praxis Award The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab and the Maker Lab in the Huma[...] continue reading →
Exhibiting the Early Wearables Kit at Rutgers Post by Danielle Morgan, attached to the KitsForCulture p[...] continue reading →
Announcing the Early Wearables Kit Repository The Maker Lab is pleased to announce the launch of the repository[...] continue reading →
MLab Panel on Nov. 20th: Prototyping the Past On Friday, November 20th at 12:30pm, the MLab is presenting our K[...] continue reading →
Tanja Carstensen on Gender and Makerspaces The MLab is very happy to welcome Tanja Carstensen to UVic. On Fr[...] continue reading →
Welcome, 2015-16 MLab Team! This academic year, the MLab team will continue working on the Ki[...] continue reading →
The 2014-15 Praxis Innovation Award We are happy to announce the 2014-15 Digital Humanities Praxis In[...] continue reading →
"Making" in the Academy: A Long View In early June, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Engineering [...] continue reading →