Audrey Alexandra Brown was a Vancouver Island writer who composed poetry, short stories, and articles during the twentieth century. This scholarly exhibit—built by Jana Millar Usiskin in collaboration with the MLab, the Modernist Versions Project, the Scalar development team, and the University of Victoria Library—assembles and showcases Brown’s archival materials to reflect the conditions that may have led to her relative disappearance during the latter half of the century. The project enables wider access to Brown’s archival material, increases attention to Brown’s work, and raises questions about the criteria used to define and canonize literature in a Canadian national context. All materials interpreted in the exhibit are part of the University of Victoria’s Audrey Alexandra Brown Collection, which consists of materials digitized and structured by Jana Millar Usiskin. Metadata for the collection follows the Dublin Core ontology.
Research Leads, Contributors, Support, and Partnerships
The research lead for the Audrey Alexandra Brown Exhibit is Jana Millar Usiskin. Development of the exhibit (2012-14) was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the MLab, the Modernist Versions Project, and the University of Victoria Library. Preliminary research (2011-12) was supported by Editing Modernism in Canada. Jana Millar Usiskin is the sole author and editor of the exhibit. She also digitized and structured the Audrey Alexandra Brown fonds at UVic. The Audrey Alexandra Brown Collection is housed in CONTENTdm, and the corresponding exhibit (yet to be published) was built in Scalar.
Project Status
Stored on the MLab’s Scalar build, the Audrey Alexandra Brown Exhibit was actively developed between 2012 and 2014. During that period, Jana Millar Usiskin gave several talks on the project, including talks at UVic and Simon Fraser University. She is now overseeing the exhibit and its direction.

From the exhibit: a newspaper clipping featuring a head shot of Audrey Alexandra Brown with other Canadian authors. Image care of the Audrey Alexandra Brown Collection. Digitization by Jana Millar Usiskin.
Post by Stephen Ross, attached to the AABrown project, with the projects and exhibits tags. Featured image for this post by Jana Millar Usiskin, care of the Audrey Alexandra Brown Exhibit. (This post was updated on 16 October 2016.)